Positive parental involvement is central to the learning process. This can be achieved in many ways: by taking an interest in children’s learning, talking about the school day, sharing books, helping with homework and encouraging your children in every aspect of their school life.

Our aim is to make parents welcome at any time. Involvement can happen through working with children on their activities or volunteering to transport children to sporting competitions. If you have a talent or skill you’d like to share with the children we’re always open to suggestions.


Research shows that reading to a young child is the single most important thing you can do to help your child’s education. Helping your child with their reading throughout their time at Ashley Hill is imperative. Whether it’s helping them with letter sounds during the early stages of their learning or reading longer texts with them in Key Stage 2, motivating your child to read will enable them to access all areas of the curriculum with ease.

Home learning

From an early age, it is vitally important that children see learning is something that happens both at school and at home. All parents are encouraged to read with and listen to their children reading throughout the week. Workshops will be available for parents to understand how phonics is taught in school so you can develop good habits at home. Learning at home will vary, but will include number work, key words and spellings where required.

As the children progress through the school, they are often asked to undertake projects at home. Please feel free to get involved in these activities as much as you can - your input will be a real motivating factor for your children.

Friends of Ashley Hill School

All parents are welcome, at any point, to join the FOAHS who organise social and fundraising activities. The generosity of parents has provided extra resources for all children, including play equipment, the school garden and regularly subsidises the school trips children attend.


Whether it’s listening to children read or helping dig up our garden area, any help would be gratefully received. We regularly need support to ensure school trips can go ahead and give lifts to sporting competitions. If you are able to support us by volunteering any time, please contact our school administrator who will provide you with the relevant paperwork to complete.

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