School Council Cake Bake!
in the Gallery
School Council are over the moon to announce they raised a colossal £370 in their recent cake bake. They would like to pass on…
School Council are over the moon to announce they raised a colossal £370 in their recent cake bake. They would like to pass on…
It was a pleasure to take our Boys' Football squad to King William's College this morning to take part in a set of friendly foo…
Fantastic to see all the unbelievable hair designs today and thank you, on behalf of the school and FOAHS, for your kind donati…
Earlier this term, our Year 5 children visited the newly re-opened Outdoor Learning Centre, formerly known as Ardwhallan. The c…
Last Friday, our Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children enjoyed a visit from the Manx Family Concert in our Main Hall. The child…
During the recent weekend, children from Ashley Hill took part in the annual Remembrance commemorations. It is always a proud m…
We've recently invested in some new equipment to use in our Forest School sessions. Our Year 5 and 6 children were given the fi…
This morning, we had the pleasure of welcoming Felicity Wood to lead our whole school assembly. Felicity spoke to the children…