In 2018 we introduced the PATHS curriculum to our school. PATHS stands for Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies. It is a programme of lessons specifically designed for use in Primary schools which will enable our children to make good social and emotional choices and develop skills that will positively benefit them throughout their lives. The aim of the programme is to facilitate the systematic development of children's self-control, emotional awareness and interpersonal problem-solving skills.

The PATHS Curriculum includes four conceptual units. The units are:

  1. Emotional Understanding - children learn the language of emotions and are taught self-recognition of own feelings and the recognition of emotions in others.
  2. Self-control - techniques such as modelling and role-play are utilised to teach children new ways to recognise and control anger. Some aids for helping children to calm down and learn better self-control, such as the Turtle Technique, Three Steps for Calming Down and the Control Signals Poster, are also introduced.
  3. Social Problem Solving - children are taught the steps of social problem-solving including stopping and thinking, identifying problems, generating solutions and evaluating possible outcomes.
  4. Peer Relations and Self-esteem - Issues regarding friendship and peer relations are considered both in the context of feelings (i.e., angry, shy, lonely, etc.) as well as through role-playing and thinking about how to solve problems that arise with friends. The issue of self-esteem is covered in a variety of ways including the regular activity of giving compliments (The PATHS Pupil of the Day)

These units are integrated within the lessons and are covered at the appropriate developmental level with in each year group whilst at the same time providing a consistent approach thoughout the school that can be used to deal with every day situations that arise.

You can find out more about The PATHS curriculum here:

Or you could ask your child's teacher if you would like to know more.